Essential Oils:
Mother Nature's Antibiotics
and Disinfectants

by Al Roberts
Director of Starflower Enterprises

In 1985 Dr Jean C. Lapraz, a famed French researcher, reported that he couldn't find a single bacteria or virus that could live in the presence of the essential oils of cinnamon or oregano. Pretty common stuff - cinnamon and oregano - we use them every day in cooking and baking. Who would think that their essential oils would be anti-bacterial and anti-viral, killing those germs we generally believe require chemical antibiotics to overpower.

In research done at Weber State University, therapeutic grade essential oils were sprayed in an enclosed atmosphere under controlled conditions to measure their effectiveness against various airborne life-threatening pathogens. They discovered that spraying essential oils in micro-fine vapor (within an enclosed atmosphere like a home) effectively destroyed infectious pathogens, while at the same time boosting one's immune system. Microscopic photos taken during the tests dramatically recorded the massive breakdown of pathogenic life forms.

The Weber State study proved conclusively that essential oils are even more effective and reliable than such antibiotics as Penicillin and Ampicillin. A virus or bacteria will mutate to defend itself against vaccines and antibiotics, but no pathogen has ever been known to mutate when confronted with essential oils.

How exotic are these essential oils that destroy infectious pathogens? Consider the lowly lemon. Research done in France in the late 1800s produced the following description. The essence of lemon is second to none in its antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Vapors of lemon essence neutralize the meningiococcus in 15 minutes, the typhus bacillus in less than an hour, pneumococcus in 1-3 hours, staphylococcus aureus in 2 hours, and hemolytic streptococcus in 3-12 hours. The essence itself neutralizes typhus bacillus and staphylococcus in 5 minutes and diptheric bacillus in 20 minutes. Pretty powerful stuff for the essence of a drink we think of as a mere thirst quencher for a hot summer's day.

Or - consider thyme, another household regular. The essence of thyme is an excellent antiseptic, on account of the thymol it contains. The aqueous solution a 5% kills the typhus bacillus (typhoid fever), and Shiga's bacillus ( agent of epidemic dysentery) in 2 minutes. It can kill the colon bacillus in 2-8 minutes, streptococcus and diphoretic bacillus in 30to 60 minutes. At a strength of 0.1%, the peroxidized essence of thyme in a diluted solution of soapy water destroys the mouth's microbial flora within 3 minutes.

In 1960, Dr Bidault used a mixture of Pine, Thyme, Peppermint, Lavender, Rosemary, Cloves, and Cinnamon as a preventative for infectious childhood diseases (whooping cough, coryza of nasal catarra, influenza), and acute or chronic diseases of the respiratory tract in adults (influenza, tuberculosis, and pneumonia). His clinical observations proved that the disinfection of the air surrounding the patient had a therapeutic preventative effect.

Mother Nature has provided us with a bounty of essences designed to protect us from the air-borne and surface pathogens that cause most of our common, and some not so common diseases. At this time, when physicians a warning us not to use antibiotics as preventatives because the pathogens adapt in time and no longer die when they encounter the antibiotic, we have at our finger tips healthy, natural essences that are antibiotic without causing the pathogens to adapt. Essential oils, properly blended, can disinfect, and deodorize your home, your work place, and your own body with no negative side effects.

Here are some suggestions:
  • Put a few drops of lemon oil, and pine oil in a humidifier or an atomizer and let it run for a couple of hours a day in your home.
  • If you are concerned about breathing pathogens while outside your home, spray an all natural blend of disinfectant essential oils on your handkerchief, and breath deeply every hour or so.
  • Obtain and use one of the all natural disinfectant sprays on the market in your home, at work, etc.

    Al Roberts runs Starflower Enterprises along with his wife, the Rev. Sharyn Roberts, Ph.D., a medical intuitive with skills in Reiki, vibrational healing, mind-body spirit integration, herbal remedies, homeopathics, stress release, and many other techniques. Sharyn has created a totally unique system for using essential oils and color energy frequencies to focus on organs and systems in your body bringing their energy up to the optimum level, thereby promoting healing where the oils focus. She has also created four super pain relief oils, one for muscles and tendons, one for arthritis, one for nerve damage, and one for impact injuries. If you are interested, email for a catalog.