Pranayama and the Development of Human Magnetism

by Arnav Medhi/Vedic Astrology Today

Have you ever wondered why some individuals appear to radiate peace, calm and power and why others don't? Have you ever thought why it is so very difficult to refuse anything to certain individuals? Have you thought why some individuals control the minds of others with ease?

The answer lies in human magnetism. This great power lies sleeping within us and waiting to be developed and unleashed. Indians call it as prana(life) whereas in the west it is known by the names such as personal magnetism, animal magnetism or auras.
Those with a higher degree of personal magnetism are likely to have a much higher success rate in materialistic as well as spiritual affairs than those with underdeveloped or "sleeping" personal magnetism.

Life is not simply birth and death. It is about achieving and finding the true purpose of being born in this divine world, to contribute, to make a difference, to be something ... in order to do all this, it is essential to develop personal magnetism.

Magnetic force is in direct control of the mind and the will. It can be channelized, developed and directed to healthy living and a successful life. Mesmer proved that it can be stored, released, controlled, directed, increased and neutralized.

Well developed personal magnetism coupled with a strong willpower is the recipe for success. One has to understand that a spiritual power is around us waiting to b harnessed to realize our talent and potential.

In his book,"History and Power of Mind," Richard Iugalese writes that if we develop Cosmic consciousness, our brain works on higher levels and powerful ideas will come to us for right thinking and planning. Everything first exists in mental plane and then is realized into the physical plane. The universe is the materialization of the Divine idea. Vivekananda says in the Raja Yoga,"Pranayama first acts upon the lungs, the lungs upon the heart, the heart upon circulation, this in turn on the brain and the brain in turn on the mind. This will can produce an outside sensation and the outside sensation can arouse the will."

The best way to increase human magnetism is Pranayama. Prana means breath and ayama means pause. It is the regulation of breath to consciously increase human magnetism. Eastern yogis have used it since times immemorial to obtain wonderful results. It was long known to these yogis the pranayama is the connecting link between the physical body and the cosmic energy. One must practice pranayama daily. This will increase mental powers to a great extent, among other powers.

Pranayama consists of three distinct parts.
  • 1) Inhalation, called Puraka
  • 2) Holding, called Kumbhaka
  • 3) Exhalation called Rechaka.

  • The ratio of inhalation, holding and exhalation is 1:4:2. This ratio is for individuals who become very developed in this practice. There are two traditions, one of which prescribes the proportions as 1:2:2 whereas the other prescribes 1:1:1.

    You have to be very patient while practicing pranayama. If you feel discomfort, then there is no use in this exercise. If you are a beginner then totally avoid the holding stage as it may cause injury to the lungs. As you become advanced, then do it in the ratio mentioned above.

    Ideally it should be practiced in the morning and late evening preferably on an empty stomach. Although sitting postures (Asanas) are described for pranayama, beginners should do it while lying down. Choose a calm place where no one can disturb you. Lie down on a mat and let your body loose with hands on the side. No part or muscle of the body should be taut or stressed. Now start the exercise. Draw deep breaths and let the air fill your lungs. One inhalation, holding and exhalation constitute a round. Ideally one should do 15 rounds and then gradually increase the rounds. Do not do the mistake of counting the rounds. That will defeat the very purpose of this exercise. Keep a clock in front of you and regulate your exercise by that. As you inhale think that powerful magnetic radiations are entering your body and charging you with positive radiations, and as you breathe out think that negative emotions are leaving your body. Imagine when you are inhaling that you are absorbing the cosmic energy that is in the environment. By doing this you are using another powerful technique to increase personal magnetism and that is called as autosuggestion. Do it for 5 minutes at first and then increase the period. If at any point of time you feel tired, then stop the exercise for the time being. As you breathe, concentrate on every portion of the body, starting from toes till the head. In a few minutes you feel a pleasant vibratory feeling in your organs. This feeling will occur to some individuals as soon as they start and to others a little later. As you continue your exercises, you will feel the difference. More people will be seeking you and like your company.

    Though beginners may start by lying down, it is important to follow certain postures. One of the recognized postures is given by Swami Vivekananda in his book "Raja Yoga". He writes, "Sit upright, the body must be kept straight. The spinal cord, although inside the vertebral column, is not attached to it. If you sit in a crooked manner, you disturb this spinal cord. The three parts of the body must always be held straight - the chest, neck and the head in one line. You will find that with a little practice, this will come to you just as breathing.

    The sitting postures for doing pranayama will be discussed in a separate article.

    Benefits of Pranayama:
  • 1) It is the best way to increase personal magnetism.
  • 2) The curative powers of air are well known. It will act as a restorative medicine and those who practice pranayama never complain of anxiety or frequent headaches.

  • Though there are other great benefits it is outside the scope of this article to comment on them.

    Things to keep in mind:
  • 1) Do not overdo the exercise if you are new to it. Start by practicing it for 4/5 minutes and increase it slowly.
  • 2) Do it in a calm place.
  • 3) Do the exercise on empty stomach.
  • 4) Use the power of imagination to the greatest extent.
  • 5) Do the exercises regularly.
  • 6) Worry is the greatest enemy of this exercise. Be happy and cheerful.

  • Arnav Medhi is a certified Vedic Astrologer, gemstone consultant and a stress management expert.