Vocational Astrology: The Midheaven

by Diane Wing, M.A.
Author and Founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment

Astrology has many factions and focuses. The planetary energies and their placements can be interpreted to reveal health issues, ideal relationships, and to predict how these energies can impact your life. Astrology is a complex system of metaphysics that requires a lifetime of study to truly master. With each new piece of knowledge learned, more layers are discovered ripe for analysis. Its complexity allows for myriad opportunities for interpretation. That is the art and the science of it, all based on the perspective and level of understanding of the astrologer.

In this series of articles, the focus will be on vocational astrology, the indicators that reveal your ideal career, purpose, and work in this lifetime. I write from the perspective of Occult Astrology. My underlying philosophy is that as we come closer to self-mastery, we have the ability to overcome the challenges we came with into this life as revealed by the natal chart. Hence, whatever we uncover in this process is not written in stone; you have the ability to create your destiny.

This is article #3 in the series.

The Midheaven

The main career point on the natal chart is the Midheaven. The sign that is at the very top of your chart on the cusp of the 10th house is a primary indicator of the type of career focus you could have. The Midheaven, otherwise known as the Medium Coeli (MC), is at the noon position, the highest point in the chart. This is why it points to the highest aspiration of the native. Other chart data would indicate how this career or aspiration would manifest and under what conditions, and we will discuss that in later articles.

The sign of the Midheaven gives us a clue as to the ideal career choice or the direction toward which the native has natural tendencies. Here are some guidelines you can use. As always, when interpreting a chart, incorporate what you feel a particular sign represents; go with what your inner guidance tells you is accurate.

Aries: With this sign at the MC, the native needs a career that allows a great deal of freedom and the ability to take independent action. Aries MC makes for a person that is great at initiating action, makes for a good leader, and could be successful as an entrepreneur. This is the sign of a risk taker and pioneer.

Taurus: This sign promotes the need for security. The native tends to be stable, dependable, and persistent. Endurance is a trait of this MC. A Taurus Midheaven will be drawn to work in hands-on professions involving the earth (landscaping, for example), the arts (sculpting, music, design), or the home (real estate, building, decorating).

Gemini: This MC promotes the desire to communicate in all forms. There is speed of action in the chosen work. They need variety and stimulation. Working in sales, writing, teaching, and anything communication-oriented would be good career choices.

Cancer: The Cancer Midheaven is drawn to nurturing, family-oriented work environments with a focus on making others feel safe and secure. Cancer careers may include the healthcare field (nursing, home health care aid), social work, child care, or any profession that makes people feel welcome and cared for.

Leo: With Leo at the MC, the native seeks pleasure and power in the work. They like lots of attention. The are drawn to any work that puts the spotlight on them, such as acting, performing arts, the fashion industry, and public leadership or government roles.

Virgo: The Virgo MC seeks perfection in the work and is likely to possess or develop technical skills. This native may be drawn to the care and healing of the body. Any vocation requiring a detail-oriented approach would be suitable for the person with this Midheaven sign.

Libra: Librans are impartial observers, capable of compromise to restore harmony. This MC is well served by vocations in the legal profession or mediation. They possess the gifts of diplomacy and peacemaking.

Scorpio: The Scorpio MC is secretive, possesses powerful emotion, and promotes transformation. It is also a sign of death, making the funeral industry a likely occupation. Scorpio represents that which is hidden, so any vocation that seeks to uncover secrets such as forensics, research, mining, archeology, and psychotherapy would be natural pursuits.

Sagittarius: Truth seeking, justice-oriented, freedom loving, and able to see the big-picture, the Sag MC requires flexibility in the work environment. They would be happy in the travel industry, teaching, the space industry, or in a religious vocation.

Capricorn: This MC is achievement oriented and is able to create frameworks and structures. This is an organizing sign, capable of handling big responsibility and taking their work very seriously. They make good entrepreneurs, leaders, farmers, engineers, and sculptors.

Aquarius: The Aquarius MC has a strong sense of individuality, has a creative intellect, and is interested in humanitarian pursuits. They are drawn to working with groups and any occupation requiring an innovative approach.

Pisces: The Pisces MC is the realm of psychism, escapism, altered states of consciousness, and unusual ways of perceiving the world. This is the sign of poets, writers, winemaking, professional psychics, and the music industry.

These basic descriptions of the signs and their affect on the Midheaven will serve as a starting point for your personal explorations into your own Midheaven.

Diane Wing, M.A. wants to live in a world where people feel inspired, create their ideal future, and experience a sense of wonder at everyday magick. As an author and perspective changer, she’s published four books – The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility, The True Nature of Tarot: Your Path to Personal Empowerment, Thorne Manor and Other Bizarre Tales, and Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds, all available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBooks. She is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, and has written a screenplay based on her novella, Thorne Manor. When it comes to getting unstuck and feeling great about life, her 9-word philosophy is: Let go. Be grateful. Stay open. See the magick. Find out more at DianeWing.com.